Find an Expert Witness in Rhode Island

At Guidepoint Legal Solutions, our team is structured to work with both plaintiffs & defense firms looking for expert witness services in Rhode Island. Tap our broad suite of individual and comprehensive solutions to meet the precise demands of your case, accelerating your access to both medical and non-medical expertise and ensuring you work with the best experts available in support your client.

Our team does all of your expert sourcing for you, freeing up your team to focus on the case at hand. As part of one of the world’s largest expert networks, Guidepoint Legal Solutions has both on-demand access to over 1,500,000 experts across virtually every industry and the resources necessary for rapid custom sourcing, ensuring we can find the precise experts you need, anywhere across the globe or around the corner in Rhode Island.

Attorneys in Rhode Island can turn to Guidepoint Legal Solutions for:

Expert Witness Search

Let us assist you with all your expert sourcing needs. We help you identify the expert witnesses necessary to support your client’s interests in any phase of litigation. Our dedicated team of sourcing specialists custom recruits experts to meet your precise selection criteria, while simultaneously leveraging the depth of our existing network to connect you with the right medical and non-medical experts in Rhode Island.

Subject Matter Expert Consultations

When your firm requires swift and accurate information related to a claim, Subject Matter Expert Consultations help you find an expert in any field to provide insight into your case’s details. Discuss your case one-to-one without any requirement to retain the expert, utilizing exactly the right amount of expertise for your case without wasting your firm’s resources.

Our Experts Can Also Help With:

Case Merit Analysis

Before you take on a client, our in-house, US-trained team of physicians help you understand the merits of the case through a systematic review of all relevant medical records, including a narrative summary of pertinent medical events and recommendations on how best to proceed.

Clinicians on Call

Our experienced, in-house team of doctors are available on-demand to provide essential medical expertise to support or reject your case theories. You can engage our team for immediate access to seasoned experts with an unparalleled perspective on medicolegal analysis.

Event Chronology

We highlight the most relevant facts of your case in an in-depth, easy-to-read timeline. Our non-medical and medical chronologies do the work for you, eliminating expensive, time-consuming reviews on the part of your experts and accelerating case prep.


Our expert surveys allow you to understand the broad consensus views of numerous relevant subject matter experts within your specific criteria, empowering your firm to mitigate risk and make more informed decisions.

Expert Witness Profile

Gain a competitive advantage with a window into the opposing experts’ litigation history. We deliver deeper insight into the potential testimony of your opposing counsel’s Expert Witness, allowing you to present the most strategic case against the opposition.