What We Do

Case Merit Analysis

Invest Resources More Effectively with a Case Merit Analysis 

When considering whether your firm should take on a case, tap our in-house, US-trained team of physicians to review and analyze the medical records of any and all potential parties, helping you understand the merit of the claim before you take on the case.

We provide an exhaustive Case Merit Analysis that discusses the substance of the case based on:


Every Case Merit Analysis includes:

A thorough narrative summary of the pertinent medical facts

A briefing call with the physician who reviewed the merits of your case

Recommendations for next steps delivered within 3 business days

How a Case Merit Analysis Can Benefit Your Practice

This service helps your firm select cases with the highest probability for a favorable outcome, allowing for the greatest possible return on your investment.

Request an Expert

By conducting case reviews with Guidepoint, you can grow your firm’s earning potential through an improved likelihood that cases will reach a favorable conclusion.

Speak with a member of our in-house team of physicians today.

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