Expert Perspectives for Medical Malpractice Cases

In order to prove or dispute negligence in a medical malpractice case, attorneys often rely on external sources with diverse backgrounds to provide the context and expert testimony they need. In medical malpractice and healthcare litigation, a physician’s perspective is essential to establish whether the defendant has acted within an acceptable standard of care.

Medical standards and technology are constantly evolving. Where does your firm turn if you don’t have a medical expert on hand?

Guidepoint has the solution for all your expert needs. Each of our services is specifically designed to accelerate your access to expertise, ensuring you work with the best experts for your case and eliminating unnecessary up-front spend.

Use Case 1

You are approached by a patient suing his orthopedic surgeon for medical malpractice after he awoke from lumbar spinal fusion paralyzed from the waist down.

“How exactly did the patient’s injury occur?”

“Was there a delay in recognizing and addressing the complication?”

“The damages here are large. Is there another claim to pursue?”

“Is this case worth pursuing?”

Send the medical files to our in-house, US trained physicians who have unique experience in medicolegal analysis. Our team will review the records and provide you with a written Case Merit Analysis that includes a narrative summary, an analysis of liability, causation, and damages, and recommendations for next steps.

Focus on the right cases before investing time and money with a Case Merit Analysis.

“I need an orthopedic surgeon for testimony on liability and causation, plus a rehab medicine doctor who specializes in spinal cord injury to help me understand the damages.”

Our customized Expert Witness Search is a reliable tool for matching your firm with qualified experts from any background to contribute to your case in support of your client’s claims.

Find the exact expert you need with Expert Witness Search.

“Can I speak with an operating room nurse to understand how something like this could happen?”

“Do I have a case against the hospital for failing to maintain the correct spinal screws?”

As you explore the facts of your client’s case, new information may appear that requires new expert consultation. Subject Matter Expert Consultations allow you to gain a deeper understanding of any subject matter relating to the claim without requiring you to retain the expert. This service allows you to discuss the details of your case one-to-one, giving you the ability to utilize exactly the right amount of expertise for your case without wasting your firm’s resources.

Gain valuable context for your case with Subject Matter Expert Consultation.

“There are 3,000 pages of medical records. Can you help me decipher which ones are most relevant to my case?”

“What was your client’s state before undergoing surgery?”

“When during the operation did the injury that caused paralysis occur?”

Guidepoint offers a detailed case chronology, complete with a table of contents for ease-of-reference. This service is designed to give your firm the clearest possible timeline of the case’s events while saving you time and resources.

See all of your case records organized in one place with an Event Chronology.

“My team is interested to know what percentage of orthopedic surgeons have performed this same surgery with a similar outcome. I’m also looking to understand how other surgeons would have approached this procedure.”

Rapidly tap into the relevant opinions of orthopedic surgeons, or any other subject matter experts, to inform your case theories and gain essential insight. Guidepoint Surveys give your firm access to a wealth of information, enabling you to test claims and understand broad consensus views.

Understand what the experts think with our Surveys.

“I need to understand what my client’s quality of life would have been if the surgery had been successful, and what difficulties he will face due to the failed surgery.”

Arguing this case requires specialized medical understanding of spinal injuries and surgery. Through our Clinicians on Call service, Guidepoint gives you the tools to support or reject any case theory by providing you on-demand access to our experienced in-house team of medicolegal experts at any time during the litigation process.

Get all of your medical questions answered with Clinicians on Call.

“The opposing counsel has retained their own orthopedic surgeon to testify on their behalf. I’d like to know more about the verdicts found after their expert’s past testimonies.”

An Expert Witness Profile provides your firm access to a greater understanding of the opposing experts’ litigation history, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage through deeper insight into their potential testimony.

Anticipate what your opponents will say before they say it with an Expert Witness Profile.

Use Case 2

You have been approached to represent a family in a wrongful death case involving the care rendered to a 74-year-old woman at a nursing home facility in Florida. She was brought to the hospital in respiratory distress and tested positive for COVID-19 on initial diagnostic testing. She died 8 hours later.

“Was the patient unlikely to survive due to severity of the respiratory distress upon presentation?

“What other medical factors affected her prognosis?”

“What is the nursing home’s liability?”

Guidepoint’s in-house, US trained physicians help you evaluate whether the case you are considering is worth pursuing by providing a thorough narrative summary of the pertinent medical facts, including discussions on liability and causation, as well as a recommendation on how best to proceed.

Focus on the right cases before you invest your time and money with a Case Merit Analysis.

“I will need to speak to a nurse experienced in nursing homes regarding standard of care when dealing with an elderly woman exhibiting signs/symptoms of COVID-19.”

Guidepoint can help with all your expert sourcing needs. Our dedicated team of sourcing specialists find and vet the specialized subject matter experts necessary to argue your case, whenever needed during the litigation process.

Find the exact expert you need with Expert Witness Search.

“I need help discerning which medical records are most pertinent to my case. I would like to pinpoint where in the records the patient is exhibiting abnormal vital signs of fevers and increased heart rate.”

Expedite prolonged case evaluations with an Event Chronology, which provides details in an easy-to-read timeline, greatly reducing your Expert Witness’ expensive and time consuming review while enabling your team to navigate hundreds of indexed pages of case records.

See all of your case records organized in one place with an Event Chronology.

“I am not familiar enough with the latest nuances of COVID-19 and how this disease behaves. What are the essential details I need to argue this case effectively?”

Clinicians on Call enables you to access qualified medical experts whenever a question arises. Our experienced, in-house team of US-trained doctors are available to address any client demand, giving you immediate access to qualified experts with an unparalleled perspective on medicolegal analysis.

Get all of your medical questions answered with Clinicians on Call.

“The Event Chronology shows some abnormality in the progression of the patient’s symptoms that I would like to explore with a doctor who has first-hand experience in a COVID-19 unit.”

“I would also like to consult with an HVAC expert on the nursing home’s air filtration system.”

Get critical insight into your case’s details with Subject Matter Expert Consultations. Your firm can tap Guidepoint to help inform case theories through one-to-one consultations with subject matter experts from any industry, without a retainer agreement.

Gain valuable context for your case with Subject Matter Expert Consultation.

“The opposing counsel has retained their own nursing expert to testify on their behalf. What information on their past testimonies is available to help me prepare rebuttals?”

Secure a competitive advantage by accurately predicting the opposing counsel’s arguments based on the prior testimony of the expert they’ve retained. A Guidepoint Expert Witness Profile helps your firm stay one step ahead by providing an in-depth look into their expert’s litigation history, allowing you to prepare your rebuttals more strategically.

Anticipate what your opponents will say before they say it with an Expert Witness Profile.

“There appears to be some states in which nursing homes have immunity against liability involving COVID-19 related cases. I’d like to better understand how firms in those other states are litigating their COVID-19 cases. Are they able to file lawsuits successfully?”

With our efficient Surveys tool, your firm can harness the relevant opinions of numerous niche subject matter experts to test claims and understand broad consensus views before making essential decisions in cases with unclear standards or unsettled law.

Understand what the experts think with our Surveys.

 Tap Medical Malpractice experts to gain valuable context

Our services deliver key expertise to meet client needs throughout the litigation cycle of your medical malpractice suit. From intake through the stages of review, your firm can rely on our in-house, US-trained physicians to give thorough feedback, helping your firm towards a favorable outcome in every case.

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